Enteq offers investors opportunity through the development and commercial deployment of technologies to address an increasing portion of a large, long-term market, by growing market share and increasing market presence in international markets.

The flagship product is the potentially disruptive SABER (Steer-At-Bit Enteq Rotary) Tool, a ‘Rotary Steerable System’ (RSS) for directional drilling.

The global RSS market is $3.6bn annually (in 2023), with applications in hydrocarbon, geothermal, methane capture and carbon storage sectors. The RSS market is currently dominated by a small number of multinational services companies, resulting in a strong appetite from independent and local directional companies for a cost-effective independent RSS solution.     

Enteq is managed by a team that successfully grew, by a buy and build as well as organic growth strategy, a similar technology based business from an equivalent scale to Enteq today through to an ultimate sale to GE for $600m.

Enteq has continued to invest in new product development, and with in-house engineering and supported by partnerships, now has a product line with which to address a greater addressable market. Enteq will continue to develop technologies focused on increasing efficiencies for the energy sector.